Frequently Asked Questions about Sunday Services
What happens at a regular Sunday worship service? On Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 11:20, we gather for worship services and for children and youth religious education and faith development classes. We meet in Hood River, OR, at the Rockford Grange. Click here for address, map and directions. When you arrive, you will be welcomed by our volunteer greeters. You may be asked to sign a visitor information card. We wear nametags to make it easier for us to remember each other's names, and you will be given one too. At our services you will typically find about 35 to 45 adults and between 5 and 10 children. We dress very informally. Our services usually include readings, music, singing, time for people to share their joys and concerns with the congregation, and a sermon or talk. Afterwards, most people stay for "Fellowship Time," which consists of sharing coffee, tea, light snacks, and conversation. What is planned for upcoming Sunday services? Specific details about the next few Sunday services and all other scheduled events are found in the Monthly Newsletter and Weekly Updates. What do children do at Sunday services? Everyone attends the first part (typically 20 minutes) of each service together. Children participate in a song or two, lighting of candles for joys and concerns, and sometimes there is a children's time of song, story, or short discussion. The children, aged 4 to 10, then leave with their teachers for religious education or childcare activities downstairs. If my child doesn't separate well, can she or he stay with me in the service? Yes, as long as the child is not noisy or disruptive. We also have a separate "crying room" for parents of infants and small children. An audio feed of the service is piped into this room. What should we wear? We are an informal group. Wear what is comfortable for you. Will I be contacted after the service? We want you to feel welcome. If you have completed a visitor information card upon your first visit, you may receive a follow-up telephone call from one of our volunteer greeters after your visit. We simply want to be available to answer questions for you. If you would prefer that we not contact you, please let us know at the time of your visit. It is not our intent to invade your privacy or make you uncomfortable; we just want you to know you are welcome. Are you genuinely welcoming to all people? We are a "welcoming congregation"--a home of free faith and religious diversity. We honor our differences in age, race, gender, ability, class, sexual orientation, and national origin. The unique and beautiful qualities you bring will be celebrated and appreciated. While "saying so doesn't necessarily make it so," an important reason we come together is to remind ourselves of what we value. And because we value diversity, we include the voices of all people--in our readings and music, our religious education classes, and our leadership. What goes on during the Sunday service? A typical Sunday service lasts about on hour and twenty minutes and includes announcements, a chalice lighting, singing by the congregation, a sermon or speaker, meditation/prayer, an offering and a simple benediction. Wonderful music is offered each week by various musicians in our church community. We also have a time for sharing of joys and concerns when members and friends are invited to light a candle and briefly share a joy or sorrow they are experiencing in their life. Children aged 4 to 10 are in the service for the first 15-20 minutes, after which they go to their religious education program. Child care is provided for those under 4. After the service, we gather for coffee (or tea) and conversation. Do you have services all year? Yes. We meet year-round for Sunday services at 10 a.m. The religious education program takes a hiatus from June to August. However, children, aged 4 to 14 are provided with various activities and projects each Sunday throughout the summer months. For specific details of upcoming Sunday services, please view the Monthly Newsletter and Weekly Updates. |