Governance & Right Relations
Members of this Unitarian Universalist congregation agree to form an intentional community, where we support one another in spiritual growth. Our Covenant of Right Relations reflects the solemn promises we make to one another from the heart. This covenant specifies how we have agreed to conduct ourselves with one another. We need not think alike about the holy; yet we can agree about ways that we show we love one another.
Our religious community is built on a foundation of love, grounded in our Seven Principles. To guide us in manifesting that love, we, the members, friends, staff, and ministers of the MCUUF community, solemnly promise to act in accordance with our shared religious values:
We pledge to treat both ourselves and other people with kindness, respect, and honesty.
We pledge to honor diversity in all its forms.
We pledge to create a supportive and welcoming environment in which everyone can feel safe exploring and expressing their deepest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
We pledge to address the inevitable disagreements that will arise directly and respectfully, honoring the worth and dignity of all involved and treating mistakes as opportunities for learning.
We pledge to share the responsibility of maintaining our community, holding ourselves accountable for our commitments while honoring both our own limits and those of others.
We pledge to work together to promote our UU values in the wider world.
We adopt this covenant as an expression of our shared commitment to one another and in support of our congregational mission of creating a caring religious community that nurtures our spiritual growth, broadens our minds, and supports us in service to the larger community.
Adopted on February 4, 2018
Our current by-laws can be found below:
mcuuf_bylaws.pdf |