From the 2014 Annual Report:
Religious Education – Children This past year has been incredibly steady for our RE children's program. Attendance has been consistent for both our youngest group and our ten years and up group. This year our youngest group has been working on the approved 'UU Kids' coursework and the elder group on in depth look at Ancient Greece and their contributions to the world through Sciences, Arts, and Philosophy. The Greece course had been requested by this age group and has been supported by a patchwork of UU lessons. Summer plans have been discussed with our current RE staff and the idea of more outdoor activities has been brought up. We are currently looking at a Sunday on the waterfront, blueberry picking, and a meet up after The GorgeGrown Market, scattered throughout the summer months. Also, I have been in talks with another local congregation about a joint charity event toward the end of summer, and will present the possibility as the details get organized. Looking ahead to next year, we are looking at courses that explore a different religion each month, much like the course from last year. I'm going to spend a little of the summer advertising in UU-minded locations to see if we can maybe bring in some new students so they can join up for this new lesson plan. Religious Education – Youth Our fellowship’s biggest youth RE accomplishment this year is that we sponsored a comprehensive sexual education program for 7th – 9th graders called “Our Whole Lives” with participants from both UU and community participants. The course includes 27 sessions and was primarily held downstairs during our church services a few Sundays each month. OWL has been led by four adult volunteers from our fellowship (who attended training to lead the program). As a group, the youth (approximately ages 13 to 17):
Next year, our youth group will probably meet two Sundays per month Ongoing and Upcoming Events Specific details about Religious Education programs and all other scheduled events are found in the Monthly Newsletter and Weekly Updates. |